Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Copying and printing

Found out where the copier was today. Turns out there is one printer for the entire campus… Yup for 6000 students and however many number of faculty and administrators here's one printer/copier. There are of course individual printers that certain faculty have on their desks. But not too many as they are very easy targets for theft. Of course the University printer is located at a separate building from where my community cubicle is… So every time I need to make a copy or print something have to walk across campus to pick it up. Because it's the only printer usually there is a line of other people waiting to access it. Oh, and I am limited to 100 prints per month… No exceptions and no additions allowed. Ironically, it has nothing to do with recycling or being "green"… It's just too expensive to buy paper ink.
Also got my teaching schedule today (I should say I got my teaching schedule for next week)… Will get a new teaching schedule next week. But as it stands for next week my classes (or modules) are scheduled to meet Thursday and Friday my teaching times are slotted from 1 to 5 PM on Thursday and 7 AM to 3 PM on Friday. Those are the times that I have to teach, but I still do not know and will not know until a day or two before exactly how many of those hours I have classroom for. I may find out that I only have classroom for two of those hours, or all 10, or 2 hours Thursday and one on Friday, or none… Who knows!? So I guess I'll have to be prepared for any number of possible combinations of classroom availability.

On a positive note (not that those above are negative, I'm actually adjusting pretty well and so far not having any problems) found Mountain Dew today! But… Alas, it was not real Mountain Dew it was more like Fresca in a Mountain Dew bottle. I was most disappointed… Way more disappointed in the Mountain Dew than I am having to walk to another building to pick up a copy from the printer.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Kutz family,

    Sounds like you guys are having quite the interesting adventure! We miss you and love you. You are in our thoughts and prayers. We trust the Lord to continually keep you safe, and to guide you into His will and purposes.

    Love - Jim & Elaina
