Thursday, January 17, 2013

We are here, lost bags, jet lagged and all...

Well... Dorthy said it best, "We are not in Kansas anymore, Toto."  We arrived in Kigali Tuesday evening about 2 hours late (midnight or so) after about 22 hours of travel. We were so exhausted and hungry that we didn't even care that they lost one of Angie's bags.  I guess we did pretty good, though... only losing one, I am told this is VERY good odds - side note: it has been 4 days and still no sign of her bag. Waiting for us at the airport was Janu and Chrissy, the folks we have emailing and have become friends with (a connection through Angie's niece).  They are wonderful people. They drove us to our hotel (apartment) and it is lovely. Plain, but very comfortable.  The jet lag is horrific!!! For the past 3 nights we all have been getting up around 2:30 am for a few hours then going back to bed about 5 am (or so) for a few more hours of sleep.  Yesterday morning (Thursday) was the most interesting. Only having just fallen asleep, probably around 8:00 am, the cleaning lady just let herself in to our locked apartment and started to clean as if we were not there. Jay found her first, he was walking out of the bathroom and looked up to see this strange very dark black woman standing in our hallway... imagine the shock... After we sorted it, out all was well. However, it was very clear she was not leaving and she had a job to do. She would just work around us and try to not make any noise (she spoke no English at all).  That was fun. we will be having a talk with the hotel manager.

Internet has been spotty. But worse, right now I do not have access to my BGSU email account so that has been extremely frustrating. Even more frustrating after reaching them via email from Angie's account their return email was that it would be best to call them directly so they can fix it. Even though it was explicitly clear in my email to them I was in Rwanda and have no phone.

Last night (Wednesday, night #2) poor Jay, in spite of the mosquito netting, was attacked by some sort of bug, we think mosquitoes - but not sure, he has about 14 blazing red bug bites on his arms, back, and legs. He is being real trooper!

The past two days we have been doing a lot of house shopping (both the boys have been great and not shy about letting us know what they like and dont like) - so far we have seen about 10-11 houses or apartments. We cant stay in the one we are in now, because it is too expensive and there is zero yard for the boys to play in. However, we are hopeful as we have seen some decent places, one VERY decent place, but expensive... and a lot of not so nice places.

So far the food has been good, a little off, but good. For example, we have decided that there will be no drinking of milk...ever. However, the fruit and cheese is very good, the bread when bought fresh is also very good. Most of our meals in the first 3 days have been sliced bananas, oranges, tree tomatoes, bread and cheese. We did have eggs for breakfast Thursday morning and although their color was off, tasted fine.

Let's see... what else can I say for now... I am writing this blog, it is 3:20 am me and Jay are up, Angie and Nate only fell asleep an hour ago.  I cant wait till this jet lag wears off! We are planning on looking at more houses tomorrow and then swimming at one of the neighboring hotel pools tomorrow afternoon with Janu, Chrissy and their son (6 yrs old). We are all looking forward to that.  I have an all day meeting Monday at KHI (Kigali Health Institute) where I am teaching so I will post something after that meeting, After having a very brief visit their yesterday I am sure it will be interesting... for example, I was told my main contact and mentor (the Department head I have been working with for the past year) is leaving KHI and new dept chair will be voted in on Tuesday. That makes me very nervous... I will keep you posted.  Anyway, I will also try and upload some pictures for you soon. All for now!

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